As im currently working on a gallery design project i have become interested in the psychology of space. One of the problems ive found throughout this project is that the physical environment has to be a backdrop and that the art or content is the main feature of the space. I found stripping back and designg purely for the building journey and not for astetic purposes a re-freshing challenge. Previously, durring my under-graduate studies and beyond i have designed spaces that as well as obviously serving a function also look aestetically pleasing. This is not to say that art galleries cant be beautifully designed, as my previous research shows, but that the interior architecture of a gallery can be limited. Focusing my design on the journey or the emotional spatial experience rather than the astetic i started researching the psychology of space and found a lecture series by a Professor Tim Stock of Parsons New School For Design. The professor released his lectue on The Psychology of Space on Slideshare, below i have featured some extracts of the lecture which i found to be of particular interest and would help me in moving forward with my gallery design. I have also included the link to the whole lecture slideshow as i found the entire thing of great interest even if not immediately directly relevant.

Tim Stock. (2010). The Psychology of Space (Design Research Methods). Available: Last accessed 12/1/2015.
This discussion on the psychology of space is truly intriguing! If you're looking to harness the power of architectural design to create spaces that resonate with you on a deeper level, consider consulting with an architect. They have the expertise to translate your vision into reality while taking into account the psychological aspects of space. For personalized architectural solutions tailored to your needs, explore options for architects near you at With their guidance, you can craft environments that inspire and uplift, promoting a sense of well-being and harmony.